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Hotel Mansion de Lucy

15 Mins Walking distance to the parks hotel facility icon Free Wifi hotel facility icon Pool hotel facility icon
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Hotel Facilities

Hotel Facilities

Guests staying at Hotel Mansion de Lucy will benefit from facilities including currency exchange, guest services, 24 hour reception, internet centre*, laundry service* and luggage storage.


You'll also benefit from free parking and free WiFi at the hotel.


*Surcharge applies.

Leisure Facilities

Leisure Facilities

If you're visiting between the months of May - September you can make use of the fantastic onsite swimming pools. You'll find 2 adult pools and 1 children's pool, plus sun loungers and umbrellas. The perfect place to relax after a fun-filled day in the Parks.


Guests will also find a fantastic games area, a souvenir shop and entertainment programme.

Dining Facilities

Dining Facilities

Enjoy international cuisine and a variety of delicious dishes at the hotel's restaurant, Lucy's Cuisine.


Or if you're looking for somewhere to relax, head over to Bar Mansion de Lucy; a luxurious bar where you can savour beers, cocktails, coffees and much more.